
Topic of Today

MagicianCat’s Advice from Roma
Audentes fortuna iuvat.

Lingua Latina Audentes fortuna iuvat. 命运女神偏袒有胆量的人。

Magician cat: topic of today Embarrassment

Written by Magiciancat.com

Jessie: My name is Jessica Brown. Most of my teachers and my classmates call me Jessie. I’m thirteen. I have a little brother, Tom, who is in first grade. Last Monday was the day of the art show. My parents went to our school to see Tom’s and my art. My teachers all smiled and complimented me on my school work. My mom took a photo of me posing next to my first-prize art piece. My parents were really proud. Then everything went out of control. Tom was feeling left out so he started to shout to get our attention. He badmouthed my art piece and said the person in it was like a snoring frog! My mom apologized for my brother’s behaviour, but the next day at school everyone looked at me funny. I felt my face go hot.

Jo: I’m Jo McMillan. I’m twenty-nine and I work in a restaurant as a waitress. One day my friend Cate walked in and saw me working. She started to chat with me and ordered a glass of mojito. Cate gulped down the whole glass and became drunk. She started speaking loud enough for the whole restaurant to hear. Then she stood up and started dancing like a rooster on the floor. The customers stared at her in wonder; some even took out their phones to shoot videos. I turned quite red and pulled her out of the restaurant. She was still singing a famous pop song when I pulled her on her bed!

Teacher’s comments:

The quite you use here, is the old-fashioned quite, which actually meant something stronger than quite (haha, confused?). Actually, I told you about this on your previous homework. Better in a modern context to say something like, I turned bright red. This is probably the most common expression in this situation.

Very good, Pluvia. I really like your similes this week, especially the snoring frog! Similes and other expressive language, really can make a piece of writing much more enjoyable for the reader. And if a reader enjoys your writing, they will keep on reading everything you publish. Simple!
