
The Sin -- Chapter 3

Western NovelsTHE SINPluvia, Feb. 4, 2021.

Chapter 3 $\quad$ A Woman

Shawn quickly unbolted his pistol and put it next to John’s head, he whispered, ‘Show m’ ter ya house and let em’ be at home!’

John cackled and rasped, ‘Ya know cops are near here.’

‘I’ve killed before, an’ I can kill ‘gain.’ Shawn scowled, his eyes a deadly black, like pools of rattlesnake poison.

John sighed, ‘Righto.’

They went on, with old John staggering and lagging behind, but Shawn’s eyes were as sharp as a vulture’s, and he never let the old frail man out of his sight.

A white house gleamed in the distance*. John suddenly whooped and ran toward the house. Shawn fired.

The bullet hit its mark. Old John fell down, lifeless as a tractor. ‘Your choice.’ Shawn did not feel a bit of remorse, he just quickly buried old John in the sand.

He went on trudging along with his old horse. Hot winds and flying sand reared him off course, and he could not see through the heavy morning mist. But finally he arrived at the white front porch, dusty and coughing. He kicked open the door, and found a woman sitting on a chair right inside.

She had bright azure eyes and chestnut brown hair. There were some freckles by each side of her graceful nose. Her red lips were a little too big, but still pretty. She was the spitting image of the hunting Diana. Her long shirt-dress was gray and made with new cloth e. She was sewing another shirt-dress by a small wooden table. A streak of warm sunlight slithered through the window and trimmed her with gold, making her seem much like the holy mother, Maria.

‘O! Where’s pa? He was just out hunting.’

Shawn did not seem to hear. He fell in love with this young woman on the spot. He loved everything about her, her smell of fresh jasmine, her sparkling blue eyes, her freckles…

‘I dunno.’ He lied, ‘Wha’s ya name?’

The woman smiled, ‘I’m Connie.’

‘Mine’s Shawn. Can I stay here f’night?’

‘Sure thing! I’m lonely enough.’ Connie patted the seat next to her. Shawn sat, his face reddening, his eyes flashing.

‘You must be hungry,’ Connie smiled shyly, ‘I’ll go get some sandwiches.’ She went off, leaving a trail of fresh jasmine scent.

‘Are you local?’ Connie asked, her sewing set aside now, curiously watching the newcomer. She returned with a plate of sandwiches.

Shawn swallowed a pork sandwich, ‘Yep, m’ folks used ter liv’ here. They wen’ ta California.’

‘I’d like to go there too. I want to go to LA.’ Connie’s eyes flashed excitedly, but then a shadow passed over the sun, ‘pa won’t let me.’

‘Well, I can take ya.’ Shawn was willing to do anything to make Connie smile, ‘We could go t’morrow.’

Connie’s big eyes glowed with excitement and happiness, ‘Really? But whatta ‘bout pa?’

‘I’m sure he’ll do well.’ Shawn believed he would just have to abduct this beauty, take her to LA, and she would be willing to marry him. He would be sincerely happy for a lifetime!

‘Alright!’ Connie was persuaded. The great beaches and the green oaks, the big cities bustling with energy, never ending parties and enthusiastic crowds jeering and cheering. She actually liked Shawn a little too. He was so… manly, she thought. He was the second person she had ever met before besides her father, who never let her go near anything. Now, she was afraid, but also hopeful.

The next day, when the sun burned the sky a buttery yellow and peach pink, they saddled on the old wobbly horse, and rode merrily into the great beyond. They were both thankful for each other appearing in their lives.

But, they were soon going to regret it. This was how the sin began.

(To be continued.)
