
Andy Bunny

Teens magazine of the age, tells about the problems around usAndy BunnyPat, Mar. 4, 2021.

1. An Introduction

Pat is a 12-year-old girl who is going to enter 7th grade. She likes stuffed animals very much.

Andy Bunny is the main character of this story. He is a stuffed bunny - as tall as halfway up a desk. Andy is quiet and likes reading very much. He has recently started living with Pat. Pat claims he has a glass heart.

There is also a red rose. She has a lot of thorns. The rose is very picky and annoying, but Pat and Andy like her very much.

2. A bottle of stars - for you

When I walked quietly into the study, Andy was silently reading a tale about the little mermaid; the rose was slumbering, having her beauty sleep as usual.

Andy looked up at me, ‘*what are you doing here?’ he asked in wonder, ‘And what is that glowing thing in your hands, Pat?*’

‘*I collected a bottle of stars for you, Andy!*’I whispered excitedly, pulling the bottle out from my pocket. There were a dozen or so stars in the bottle, glowing softly in the afternoon sunlight. Some stars were as large as my head, while some of the smaller ones were like my fingernails, which were painted in lavender fingernail polish. They were all butter coloured, some had a shade of lemon, and others had a tint of gold.

Andy’s eyes grew wide, ‘*wow!’ he slowly took the glass bottle, afraid to break it, and put it up on the little white desk, ‘this is a natural lamp! Thanks, Pat.*’

I smiled, sitting down on the lilac sofa, and started to read the tale of Cinderella.

3. Flying paper airplanes and blowing dreams

Thanks for Daniel Álvasd's image and https://unsplash.com

The tiny study was full of fresh morning air and bathed in golden sunshine. The scarlet rose was relaxing by the large window, ‘*today’s a good day to go out and fly paper airplanes.*’

Andy was lying on the soft sofa, ‘*But I don’t know how to. Let’s just stay home, Pat.*’

‘*Don’t!’ groaned the rose, ‘I’m going to die if I stay here another second!*’ she stared angrily at Andy, who trembled a little.

So we went out to the backyard. I got a stack of vividly coloured paper.

‘*Help me, Pat.’ Andy was folding nowhere, ‘I can’t do it.*’

I nicely showed him how to fold a tiny paper plane. He failed, crumpling his blue striped paper, tears dripping down his face. The rose looked at him with dismay, and then kept on enjoying the spring breeze. I comforted him and taught him again.

This time he managed to fold an airplane. When the stack of paper was done, we blew our wishes on it, letting it disappear with the wind.

Teacher’s comments:

This is another very nice and original piece of narrative writing, Pluvia. This could develop into a very pleasant series of short stories too.
