
Parallel alpha

NovelsParallel αPluvia Fan, May. 18, 2021.

$\Huge{C}$atherina hesitated for a second. Who was this woman? Catherina had a feeling that she knew Aarti long ago. Who was she? Aarti came in uninvited and sat down on the kitchen chair. She started pouring the water out of her boots, ‘A long way from the university to here. Just to find you Cate.’

Catherina was confused, ‘Who, me? My name is Catherina L’Vesk. I’m not Cate.’

‘Yes you are.’ Aarti answered, taking off her raincoat and overcoat, ‘My full name is Ariana Duncan. My friends just call me Aarti.’

The storm kept on, lightning flashed through the deep azure sky. Thunder rumbled, sounding angry and frustrated. The air was heavy and moist, very unnerving. ‘Can I stay here? It’s far enough to the lab, let alone my home.’Aarti asked excitedly, her green eyes flashing. She pulled down her sweater and put on a clean white bathrobe.

‘All right.’ Catherina agreed reluctantly, unable to put down her guard. Aarti went to the shower, humming a tune. Where had I seen Aarti? Her memory was strangely foggy and unclear. She just could not place where she had seen that woman, those large green eyes.

Aarti was smiling when she got in to the living room, seeing Catherina reading a book in the dim light.

‘Cate!’ Aarti cried, ‘Do not read in such a dim light. Here, use this!’ she threw a little tube towards Catherina. Catherina turned it on. Bright light filled the room.

‘What the…?’ Catherina was dumbfounded. This was alien technology!

‘This light tube uses only wind power to fuel it, so it is very environmentally friendly.’Aarti explained to Catherina, who was still staring at the light tube, ‘You can switch it to moonlight or solar light. Moonlight is more gentle and solar light is strong.’

Catherina gasped in wonder, ‘How did your people invent this?’

‘Oh, it is really common in our city.’ Aarti replied. Catherina stared in amazement. She stood there for quite a while until Aarti started complaining about the hunger in her stomach. ‘I’m starving, Cate!’Catherina opened the fridge and brought out some bread.

‘I only have some white wheat bread.’

‘Great!’ Aarti smiled, ‘I have some butter in my pocket, let’s put this on the bread.’Catherina agreed, but was very curious about why anyone would take butter with them while travelling.
